Small Landscape Study II - Watercolor and Ink

Good morning all :) I can't decide which painting I like better, yesterdays or todays!?
I probably like both pictures equally well! And again the scan of this picture does not do this painting justice!

Ok, now it's story time :) I had a question posed to me the other day that came in on a comment, that reads.

Judy Ferguson said...

Curious about your oil painting. Most painters don't make the crossover from oil to watercolor. Did you start with oil or watercolor?

Answer; I actually started out painting in Acrylics when I was 7 years old, I think I did 2 paintings and decided I didn't like them. Nothing against the medium, but they just weren't for me. So I proceeded to throw a fit LOL.  Until my parents finally gave in and got me a set of water colors & oils, and I have been painting with both ever since.  So there's that story :) 
Thanks for asking Judy, I hope I was able to answer your question somewhat.
My life is pretty much an open book, so if any of you ever have a question you'd like to ask please feel free to ask away, and I'll do my very best to answer it to the best of my ability.
Thanks for all of your comments lately :)
Thank you for taking the time to stop by today, I hope you all are having a great week!

Best wishes!


Small Landscape Study II
Click On Image To Enlarge

Watercolor & Ink
Done On Arches 140Lb. Cold Pressed Paper

Field Sketch
Ink Sketch
Done on Strathmore 50Lb. Paper


  1. Your work is beautiful. Love it.

    Hi! I'm a new follower of your awesome blog.

  2. Hi Dana, thanks for joining the followers on my blog. I love your minimalist work. I can see I'll learn a lot observing your work here. Hope I don't bore you with mine - I'm in a bit of a slump right now but trying to dig myself out. Fresh perspective from a different medium always gives me a boost.

  3. your sketchings are very different. The colours you have used, are very pretty

  4. You are very talented! I love the easy flow of the lines and your use of colours. You have been blessed in many ways.
    Thank you for taking a moment to share tea with us.
    Enjoy your weekend!

  5. Just wanted to drop by and say thanks for following me
    I don't know what this sketch is but it calls to me! :)


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