
Showing posts from May, 2010

Untitled VIII - Watercolor

I wasn't exactly finished with this painting when all of a sudden my friend yelled " STOP!" So I stopped LOL. He said "It reminds me of Klee" What are your takes on this picture? Good bad or indifferent ! Me I think he needs to buy this one! LOL. :)  Hope you all are having a great day! Thanks for stopping by! Best wishes! Dana Untitled VIII - Water Color Click On Image To Enlarge Untitled VIII 2010 Watercolor 6"x8" Done On Arches 140lb. Cold Pressed Paper

Water Color - Impression Iris Field

Congratulations to the winning bidder on my eBay painting yesterday! I have been painting quite a few Iris picture lately, there's a house across the street from me that has just a ton of these beautiful blue Iris's growing right on the corner that I go by all the time just to see, sketch & paint the flowers! I have one oil painting finished that I'm still waiting for it to dry & one that's almost finished! I have decided that if the painting will fit on my scanner I will scan it instead of trying to photograph it! But the picture needs to dry before I can scan it LOL. It seems like I can take pretty decent photos of everything but my paintings LOL :) Which is why I decided to scan all of my paintings! Anyway I hope you all like today's picture. And a very warm welcome to all of my new followers :) And thanks for all of your wonderful comments! I hope you all have a Fantastic Day! Best Wishes! Dana Water Color - Impression Iris Field Click On ...

Water Color - Impression Bush With Red Flowers

We have been getting quite a bit of rain lately! So my paintings have a tendency to reflect  the atmosphere, or at least I try to capture that area around my motif! I apologize about not keeping up with my regular posting. But I assure you I still paint/sketch everyday! I've been just a tad bit frustrated with this one oil painting that I have been working on LOL. Sometimes they come together & sometimes they don't :) And I'm almost afraid this particular oil painting might become a don't LOL. But enough sad talk. I do hope that you all like today's painting! Thank you for stopping by to take a look at it! And a GREAT BIG THANK YOU, to all of you for your wonderful comments! Please check out my painting on eBay if you haven't already done so. Today's the last day for it! And it is selling! And some lucky person is going to end up owning it! Thanks Again! Best Wishes! Dana Impression Bush With Red Flowers Click On Image To Enlarge 201...

Oil Study - Impression Iris Field

Today is kind of a dreary, rainy day, kinda like it was about a week and a half ago when I painted this picture. Even though it was cloudy and rainy I still felt this made for a very nice painting! I always try to look for beauty in everything I see, no matter what that may be! Even though it was cloudy & rainy when I painted this the flowers where still very beautiful! I hope you all like it! Hope all of you had a great weekend! And thank you all so very much for all of your wonderful comments on yesterdays painting! They made my weekend :) Thanks for taking the time to stop by today! Again I hope you all like this one too! Have a great week! Best wishes! Dana Oil Study - Impression Iris Field Click on Image to Enlarge 2010 7"x5" Oil on Canvas Panel

Impression Seascape V - Water Color

I did a few different renditions of this scene back in 2008. And this is the other one that I still have available! I'll let you all compare this one to one the I posted yesterday that's on ebay right now! Personally I like them both equally. Hopefully you all feel the same way! Thank you for taking the time to stop by to take a look at them! I hope that you all have a Fantastic Friday! Best Wishes! Dana Impression Seascape V 2008 Water Color 9"x6" Done on Arches 140Lb. Cold Pressed Paper

Impression Seascape III - Water Color - Now on ebay!

This is another piece of Found Art!  I did this painting back in 2008! I Really Hope That You All Like It! I did decide to list this painting on ebay!  Hope that you will check it out! Best wishes! Dana Impression Seascape III 2008 Water Color Done on Arches 140Lb. Cold Pressed Paper Please Click Below To Bid On This Painting SOLD

Impression Rosebush II - Water Color & Graphite

I did this painting the other afternoon, it was a little windy but still a beautiful day! My roses are finally starting to bloom YAY!! :) Last day to bid on my ebay painting! I hope that you all enjoy this painting and are having a great weekend! Thanks for stopping by! Best wishes! Dana Impression Rosebush II 2010 Water Color & Graphite 8"x6" Done on Arches 140Lb. Cold Pressed Paper